Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shoving off

We have all been happily exploring the quiet side of India in Rishikesh. I think it did us all some good to get out those stuffy cars and trains and breathe the polluted mountain air [note: far less polluted than Delhi, but makes for some great sunsets]. All of us, I can safely say, have been on some sort of outdoor adventure in the last couple of days. So far, Rishikesh has the most white people I've seen in India-hands down.
Everyone is excited for the beach to come, but in the back of all our minds, we are dreading another train ride, which should be harmless compared to our previous exposure to train trips, which was a whopping 23 hours long. None of us came very prepared, which resulted in a very hungry and very tired Walden crew.
It is hard to believe that we have been here for two weeks, and I know that everyone is missing home to some extent. All of us scrambling to find gifts for our family and friends here in the hippie filled stalls of Rishikesh, and so far, there has been an explosion of comfortable yoga pants among the Walden girls and boys.
The chaperones are getting a little weary of their constant babysitting duties, but I hope they're still having a little fun. As I write, Eric is whining about students refusing to post on the blog, but as always, he is exaggerating just a bit.
Love to all family and friends, we will see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi from America! Thanks for writing, albeit rarely :) We understand you are in rough terrain (on many levels).

    We got some light snow today, I put up the new light fixture in your room Marcy. Wow directional LIGHT everywhere! The legislative session is over...I'm sure you are curious as to what passed, what didn't and the scandalous confession at the end, but alas, it's getting late :)
    Goodnight Walden Journey Clan....or what do you call yourselves? Walden Hippie Cavalcade...??
    -Annette and Marcy's Mom
